What to do in Normandy

Where is Normandy?

Normandy is a region in the northwest of France, located between Paris and the English channel (La Manche). It is famous for its grazing pastures where Norman dairy farmers produce one of the world’s most delicious cheeses, camembert! However, it doesn’t end there, the region is also responsible for Creme Fraiche and for its high-quality apples, used to make exceptional cider. If seafood is what you’re after look no further, the seaside offers the best oysters and mussels anywhere in the country.

Swipe right to discover some of our recommended destinations. Ranging from the well-known attractions, like Rouen, the capital of Normandy, or Mont Saint Michel, to the secret locals for travelers looking to venture off the beaten path. Regardless of your travel preferences, we have the perfect spot for you!